Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Words of Wisdom from Webb

I was out at George Mason University yesterday and happened upon a Democratic rally for the local elections that are being held today. Senator Webb was speaking when I stopped by, which was definitely exciting (notice he's not in the Ugly Politicians post - a good guy for sure, and he could probably kick my ass if he came across it)

Anyhow, he was trying to get the crowd pumped up about the elections held today and told a little story about how he was a boxer in his younger years. Can't remember the story word-for-word, but he said his trainer used to tell him, "It's not enough what you do in training. Training doesn't make you a winner. What matters is what you do in the ring when it really counts. It is you against the other guy." I thought that was a really powerful story - obviously better when he told it, but you get the point. All the education, reading, conferences, study abroad, whatever - what it really comes down to is what you can do when you're given the chance to make a difference. And I feel that I can apply that to what I'm going through with the job-hunt. No one is entitled to anything and the point is working hard to prove yourself. [cue "Rocky theme" music]

1 comment:

tatiana said...

psst, go here.
