Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa? Been There, Done That.

Goal #1: Win Iowa.

Check. Bring on New Hampshire...

(On another note, did anyone notice the difference between Hillary and Huckabee's entourage at the post-caucus speeches? Hillary had Bill, Wesley Clark, Madeleine Albright, and Chelsea on the podium behind her. Huckabee had - oh yes - Chuck Norris at his back. I guess Huckabee's crew would win in a bar brawl, but in terms of establishing a cabinet, I think it's a no-brainer. But still, let's hope Barack is at the helm come 2009)

Tune in for more updates this weekend from the Outsider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In fairness, while the Chuck thing is ever so slightly cringe worthy, Bill was as good at turning a stunt as Huck. Swap the guitar for a sax and there you go...