So today we are nursing Super Tuesday hangovers (both literally and figuratively). Pundits and talking heads are discussing strategy, percentages, and delegates. I would like to offer one more factor I like to call the "How quickly does the crowd shut up and listen to the victory speech?" effect. One thing I noticed last night during Senator Obama's remarks was that the crowd (almost on cue) quieted down as soon as Obama wanted to continue with his speech after applause. As loud and rowdy as the crowd in Chicago was, as soon as Obama was ready, you could hear a pin drop in that room.
I didn't notice that same effect with the other candidates and their audiences. It took Hillary a few minutes of waving her hands and pointing until they were ready to listen. Maybe I'm reading into this too much (after all, it was an observation I made when I was halfway into a bottle of wine), but it seems to me that people are a lot more excited and eager to hear what Obama has to say than any other candidate.
Hanging on every word.
After all, people shut up when their heroes speak.
Eh. Grasping for straws there if you ask me. And honestly plenty of other factors go into how the "noise" in those events is perceived to viewers.
Maybe if he had actually done as well as the media thought he would, they would have been too excited and happy to quiet down.
by viewers that is. Sorry.
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