I sat down today with the the old Sunday standard, the
New York Times, to catch up on what's happening in the world. What I wasn't expecting was to see old man buttocks and a topless woman playing volleyball in a pool at a nudist resort in Mexico. Yet for five bucks (since I'm very much outside the New York City metropolitan area), that's what I got. I haven't yet read Michelle Higgins' front page piece in the Travel section, entitled
"No Shoes, No Shirt, No Worries," but I think the 12" x 12" picture on the page tells the whole story: people are going on nudist vacations. Thanks for the heads-up,
NYT. (Click
here to read the article).
I have a second confirmation that there is indeed nipple showing on the woman in the back on the left. (It's harder to see on the Web than in the print version). Which raises the question: What exactly is the Times' policy on nudity? (And trust me, I'm not blushing or offended- living in Ireland for 2 years it was hard to open up a newspaper and not see someone topless). But while we have come to expect topless photos of "exotic tribal women" in, say, National Geographic (it's their culture, after all), I'm not so sure nudists in Mexico fit that same category...but I'm sure Hugh Hefner would be proud.
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