Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hulu Nation

In today's New York Times, Randall Stross reviews the TV and film video site You may have come across it during its construction period, but Hulu is now up, running, and ready to go. And, most importantly, it's free. However, Stross is critical of the site, founded by News Corporation and NBC Universal, and writes it "has serious limitations." He complains that "its offerings are surprisingly meager." And he may be right. Most of the movies available for viewing are fairly weak, or merely short video clips. The TV options are more extensive (from the 50s-present) and interesting (ex. Arrested Development), though once again some of the videos are only clips, not the whole episodes (look for the little TV box next to the name for the full-length options).

But lets not complain too much, Randall. It's free. And the site is obviously growing, so stop whining. And I don't mind watching 30 second commercials because... it's free. And at least I know the videos will work, unlike our old, illegal, and now-defunct friend,

So check out - it's not perfect, but it is still a great (and growing) resource for TV shows and average films (though there are some gems like The Usual Suspects). Plus, it's got full-length episodes of What's Happening! (!) You can't beat that. Enjoy:

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