Monday, September 1, 2008

Carville Brings His "A" Game to Larry King

James Carville is tearing it up tonight on Larry King. Larry obviously wants to talk about Gov. Sarah Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy, but Carville keeps going back to the fact that Palin is utterly unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

To drive the point home even further, he held up a photo (similar to the one above) of Wasilla City Hall, Palin's place of employment when she held the position of mayor in that town of 6,715. Carville compared this City Hall to a bait shop in southern Louisiana and though I've never been to Louisiana, I think he's on to something. This photo speaks volumes about Palin's lack of experience and limited qualifications to hold the office of vice president of the United States, and tells us so much more about her than that beauty queen head shot which has been splashed over the Web during the past few days.

Check back for video later (if it's available)

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