Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain's Makeover

On the drive in to work today, I was following a car that was sporting both "McCain 2000" and "John Kerry" bumper stickers. At first glance, seeing a McCain sticker sharing the same bumper as a Kerry one seems strange. But there used to be a time when it would have made sense. McCain in 2000 was indeed a real "maverick," one who would reject party politics and pandering in order to promote what he thought was the best direction for our country. A McCain supporter in 2000 would find much in common with John Kerry in 2004.

How times have changed.

The candidate on that "McCain 2000" sticker is not the same candidate on the "McCain/Palin" one of 2008. First off, McCain 2000 would not in a million years have picked anyone as conservative and extreme as Sarah Palin to be his running mate back then. But that's just the tip of the iceberg- from taxes to abortion to campaign finance reform to embracing religious fanatics, McCain has changed his position on all of these issues.

It's hard to figure out how this McCain makeover happened. Fortunately, Jon Stewart and Co. at the Daily Show put together a humorous (and accurate) "documentary" about McCain's changes of heart. Here's "John McCain: Reformed Maverick:"

As for the driver in the car in front of me, I would have loved to find out who he is voting for in November. Unfortunately, at the next stop sign, he turned off to the left.

Well, maybe that's a good sign...

1 comment:

coelder said...

great article and site! my good friend just did a compare contrast piece on the two candidates. pretty intriguing.