Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Their Votes (Unfortunately) Count, Too

Recently, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released a report called "Presidential Race Remains Even." Part of the report included a section on "Candidate Traits" which revealed this sobering statistic: 13% of voters believe that Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim. Furthermore, the report states that "54% identify Obama as a Christian, while 16% say they do not know Obama's religion because they have heard different things about it." In last Sunday's (9/21) New York Times, Nicholas Kristof commented on these statistics and the conspiracy to "Otherize Obama." Kristof wrote:

When I’ve traveled around the country, particularly to my childhood home in rural Oregon, I’ve been struck by the number of people who ask something like: That Obama — is he really a Christian? Isn’t he a Muslim or something? Didn’t he take his oath of office on the Koran?
In conservative Christian circles and on Christian radio stations, there are even widespread theories that Mr. Obama just may be the Antichrist.

When I hear stories like this and look at the 13% statistic, I can't help but wonder, "Who are these people that are so misinformed? Where do they live? What do they look like? What the hell have they been reading and listening to on TV and the radio? Fortunately (or unfortunately), I came across this video which provides a brief glimpse into these answers. (As a heads up, there is some obscene and racist language)

Disgusting, isn't it? I'm sure Hillary would be disgusted as well to hear that some of her supporters were spewing this hatred and ignorance. But what can you do really? The woman in the video is so beyond reason that there really aren't many options. Let's just hope she's appearing on Jerry Springer on Election Day and forgets to go the voting station.

To read Kristof's full article, click here.

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