Tuesday, October 7, 2008

John McCain Hates Space

Add planetariums to McCain's growing list of things he wants to cut spending money on. From tonight's debate:

He [Senator Obama] voted for nearly $1 billion in pork barrel earmark projects including, by the way, $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois.

What's wrong with planetariums, Senator? They give us an opportunity to expand our knowledge of the universe around us, give kids a chance to have a day out of school at the science museum, and have also provided the backdrop for one of best knife fight scenes in movie history:

You would thing someone who calls himself a "maverick" would be down with James Dean. Apparently not.

***UPDATE*** Here's the inside scoop on the projector situation from the Chicago Tribune's The Swamp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only problem with McCain's contention is that the earmark was never funded. Obama requested it, but it never got any money.