Now I don't want to get labeled as "the guy who writes about how anti-social DC people are" (i.e., the "Metro Moment"), but I can't tell you how many times I've been snubbed on the streets here by other runners. Jogging past, a little nod, smile, or wave goes unnoticed since these "fellow runners" are so intent on staring straight ahead or glancing down in an attempt to avoid eye-contact. It is a great analogy for the worst of the professional culture in this city - focus straight ahead and ignore others around you.
In Jersey, there was something that resembled a community of runners who would at least acknowledge the presence of each other when out on the path. It's like, "Hey, yeah it's 90 degrees and humid as hell and we're both out here doing this together." Apparently, San Diegans suffer from the same disease afflicting DC runners. Up Before the Sun in San Diego expressed a similar sentiment two years ago. She wrote:
In Jersey, there was something that resembled a community of runners who would at least acknowledge the presence of each other when out on the path. It's like, "Hey, yeah it's 90 degrees and humid as hell and we're both out here doing this together." Apparently, San Diegans suffer from the same disease afflicting DC runners. Up Before the Sun in San Diego expressed a similar sentiment two years ago. She wrote:
Is the world becoming more and more guarded? Are we all simply too focused, too busy to extend a kind word to others who are in the same beloved sport? It rattled me a little, I must admit, that time after time I raised a hand and a smile, and those gestures were returned by a downward glance or a blank stare.
At least we have some things in common with San Diego. I just wish it were beautiful beaches and 365 days a year of sun.
That ranks right up there with people not saying "thank you" when you hold the door for them. Or cars nearly mowing you down when you attempt to walk/run anywhere.
BTW, good luck with your job search! I'm in the midst of one of my own, and it's no fun.
Thanks for the kind words and loved reading yours, too. San Diego does boast beautiful beaches and tons of sun; there are nice runners and triathletes to be found...you just have to know where to look, I guess? ;) Best to you in your job search.
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