Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Type of Madness

I just finished filling out my bracket. And March Madness could not have arrived soon enough. Our country needs a welcome distraction from that other "madness" being forced down our throats and spun daily. Yes, I'm talking about the campaign trail. (And this sentiment is coming from someone who lives for politics). We all need a little break from Super Duper (but not really) Tuesday, Potomac Primaries, and Pennsylvania Polkas (who thought of that one?). We've still got 36 days until Pennsylvania. Seriously.

So let's put down the campaign literature for a second and pick up our brackets and enjoy drama of a more athletic sort.

Come to think of it though, maybe Obama and Clinton should go head-to-head in filling out a bracket. Winner gets the nomination. No need to worry about superdelegates or those suckers in Michigan and Florida. One sheet of paper can determine the nomination. Get your picks ready.

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