Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bonnie and Clyde Redux

On March 25, Warner Home Video will be re-releasing Arthur Penn's 1967 classic Bonnie and Clyde on special edition DVDs. It's definitely a welcome release, given the fact that the current edition available lacks any bonus features, which are - quite frankly - why we love DVDs so much.
It turns out that two twenty-somethings living in Philadelphia couldn't wait until March 25 and decided to live out their own Bonnie and Clyde saga instead (That's pure speculation of course, but this blog isn't CNN). You probably heard of the story already - A Penn grad and Drexel senior stole the identities of residents in their apartment building and took trips around the world, bought expensive stuff, and then posted pictures of their joyrides on Facebook. The two are expected to go on trial in May. Though all the details of the story are not yet known, the current issue of Rolling Stone has a great article about this ridiculous story. The article isn't yet online, but you can check out a photo essay of their exploits here.

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