Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Ball Is Rolling...

Get ready to put another bumper sticker on the back of your car. With Barack Obama's announcement this morning that Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware will be his running mate for the upcoming election, the country has officially moved passed the idyllic two weeks of Olympic euphoria to gear up for the campaign ahead.

(On a side note, I'll definitely be missing the Olympics. There is always something comforting about having something to cheer for every night on TV, kind of like the routine of a mid-summer baseball schedule. A "security blanket" of sports, if you will)

But alas, I digress. It is time to move on from the duos of May-Treanor / Walsh and Rogers / Dalhausser (gold medalists all) to Obama / Biden and McCain / Question mark. I'm excited about Biden and looking forward to seeing what he can add to Obama's campaign, particularly during the debates. Let's just hope the media doesn't adopt a "Team Obiden" moniker.

So goodbye Water Cube and hello campaign trail... it's going to be a marathon race for sure.

1 comment:

lacochran said...

The O-B method? Just Biden our time? I see the humorists gearing up...