Monday, August 25, 2008

More of the Same from McCain

Congratulations to John McCain's media team for putting out yet another tasteless ad attacking Barack Obama. First, it was the "shame on Obama for being popular" ad that Paris Hilton so eloquently (or should I say beautifully?) responded to a couple of weeks ago (Yesteday Matt Bai also made the "case for cool" in the New York Times Magazine). Now, McCain's most recent piece of wasted commercial time uses comments made by Sen. Clinton during the primary season. McCain obviously does not have anything positive to ad to his own campaign, so he has to go dipping into obscure sound bytes to critique Obama's choice of a running mate:

With all do respect, Senator McCain, mind your own business. And if you choose Mitt Romney as your running mate, remember there will be no shortage of sound bytes the Democrats can choose from to fight fire with fire. Hopefully, though, they won't decide to do so.

We've all had enough of this type of campaigning.

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