Sunday, September 14, 2008

DC on the Silver Screen

Our fair city of Washington has been quite the movie star as of late. From Traitor to Burn After Reading to the upcoming Body of Lies, DC has been getting its fair share of screen time. And she looks pretty good up there.

It is definitely a kick sitting in a movie theatre near where the action is unfolding up on the screen. During Traitor, there was an audible murmur in the theatre in Court House when the camera panned across the Potomac to Rosslyn where the FBI headquarters supposedly was located. (Who knew that Guy Pearce worked one Metro stop away?)

And tonight it was great to see DC featured in the Coen Brothers' new Burn After Reading. While most of the filming took place up in New York, it was a pleasure to see all of scenes filmed around Georgetown. The shot of George Clooney running up 35th Street towards Prospect hit close to home in a good way. Many a weekend in college my buddies and I would trek up that same steep incline with a case of beer from Dixie Liquor at the bottom of the hill on M Street. So there you have it: George Clooney has followed in my footsteps...

Yeah, I know...who am I kidding?

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