Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She Did What?

You might say this blog has become somewhat "Palin-centric" as a late. And while I have been trying to limit my exposure to the VP candidate, it is hard not to run into her every day. There she is on CNN! There she is on the cover of Newsweek! There she is at the supermarket checkout counter in US Weekly (yeah, I took a look). And while everyone is in an uproar today about some pig wearing lipstick, I was more appalled by another story that was reported this morning in the Washington Post. Karl Vick wrote on page A4:

"Gov. Sarah Palin is being asked by a local Republican activist to release more than 1,100 e-mails she withheld from a public records request, including 40 that were copied to her husband, Todd."

Very unprofessional, given that Mr. Palin is not an elected official and has no business dealing with internal state functions. But it gets better:

"Palin also routinely does government business from a Yahoo address,, rather than her secure state e-mail address, according to documents already made public."

Are you serious?! This is shocking on two levels. 1) The governor of an American state is using a Yahoo account to conduct state business? I recognize we are talking about Alaska here, but still - this woman is asking the American people to vote her second in command and is using Yahoo to communicate with her staff? Even Osama bin Laden knows better than to use unsecured electronic communications because they can easily be traced (also reported today in the Post). And 2) Who still uses Yahoo for e-mail? She's definitely out of touch with the mainland US.

So while I have been doing my best to avoid Palin, she keeps popping up with more and more outrageous material. Whether it is her stance on the "Bridge to Nowhere" or her (is it really that interesting?) life story, Palin continues to deliver. But we aren't looking for human interest stories to run the country. We need genuine, organized, and visionary leaders (who also happen to use secure e-mail accounts).

To read the full article, click here.


Laura said...

Palin's face is EVERYWHERE! I was shocked to shop a class i was interested in, "Inclusive Special Education Classrooms" or something like that, to find one of the slides of Palin and Trig. The prof somehow linked policy concerning people with disabilities to Palin running for VP- WHAT? Needless to say, I am not taking that class.

Anonymous said...

I still use yahoo mail...get too much junk mail on google...